Sunday, September 9, 2018

1850 University Tuition Costs

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What was the tuition per quarter when the University of Deseret opened its doors in 1850?
a.                  $16
b.                  $25
c.                   $8
d.                  $10
Yesterday’s answer:
D   The Church did not interfere
The following quotation by Elder Orson Hyde from the Millennial Star of February 15, 1851, explains in part the attitude of the Church towards slavery:
     “We feel it to be our duty to define our position in relation to the subject of slavery. There are several men in the Valley of the Salt Lake from the Southern States who have their slaves with them. There is no law in Utah to authorize slavery, neither any to prohibit it. If the slave is disposed to leave his master, no power exists there, either legal or moral, that will prevent him. But if the slave chooses to remain with this master, none are allowed to interfere between the master and the slave. All the slaves that are there appear to be perfectly contend and satisfied.
     “When a man in the Southern States embraces our faith, and is the owner of slaves, the Church says to him, if your slaves wish to remain with you and to go with you, put them not away; but if they choose to leave you or are not satisfied to remain with you, it is for you to sell them or to let them go free, as your own conscience may direct you. The Church, on this point, assumes not the responsibility to direct. The laws of the land recognize slavery; we do not wish to oppose the laws of the country. If there is sin in selling a slave, let the individual who sells him bear that sin and not the Church. Wisdom and prudence dictate to us this position, and we trust that our position will henceforth be understood.
     “Our counsel to all our ministers in the North and in the South is to avoid contention upon this subject and to oppose no institution which the laws of the country authorize but to labor  to bring men into the Church and Kingdom of God and then teach them to do right and honor their God and His creatures.”

Chronicles of Courage, Lesson Committee (Salt Lake City: Talon Printing, 1997), 8:  234-235.

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