Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Seymour Young’s teaching

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As Seymour Bicknell Young made is house calls from Murray to Bountiful, what did he teach the people?
a.                  “A clean spirit cannot dwell in a dirty body”
b.                  “An apple a day. . .”
c.                   “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”
d.                  “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck. . .”
Yesterday’s answer:
D   Medical school
In the late 1870’s Brigham Young called several women of strong moral character and intellect to travel to the East, attend medical school, graduate, then return to the Utah Territory to use their medical skills for women in childbirth, as well as in proper care of young children.
These women accepted this assignment even though in doing so, they were expected to finance their own education.
These women answered the call at great sacrifice. Leaving husbands and children with others, they spent from one to three years in the East before returning home to commence medical practices and resume the care of their families.
The most popular medical theory of the time was the Thomsonian method which relied on herbs, hot baths and dietary modification. Some prominent Thomsonian doctors of the time were Willard Richards, his brother Levi, and Frederick G. Williams. Both Joseph Smith nag Brigham Young recommended the Thomsonian method along with the laying on of hands.
 One of the main concerns of Brigham Young and others was the standard methods of treatment used during this period by medical doctors. These treatments included bleeding, purging, magnetic healing, sun therapy, and hydrotherapy. There was not a way to accurately measure dosages of strong chemicals or drugs like laudanum. Needless to say, these treatments often did more harm than good.

Lesson Committee, Museum Memories-Daughters of Utah Pioneers, (Salt Lake City, Talon Printing, 2010), 2: 49-50.

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