Wednesday, August 1, 2018

“One of the People”

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John Dunns Jr., mission president to Italy after the mission reopened in the 1960s, stated that they “should try to be one of the people” after an elder suggested what to bring attention to the Church?
a.                  Put up billboards
b.                  Advertise the church name on the side of the mission cars
c.                   Sell green jello and carrots
d.                  Put up signs in front of LDS meeting houses stating, “This is the Place”
Yesterday’s answer:
B   The size of the side streets
The cities and towns founded by Utah’s first Mormon settlers served the same religious purposes proposed for Joseph Smith’s City of Zion and its stakes. Yet their physical layout did not closely follow the Zion plat. Salt Lake City borrowed some ideas from Zion but other details from Nauvoo. The width of streets in Salt Lake City, Ogden, and Provo came close to Zion’s: all other places chose more traditional widths. The sizes of blocks and lots in Utah towns varied, and barns and livestock were allowed on the urban lots. The greatest distinction that geographer Richard Jackson found between Mormon and non-Mormon towns in the West was that Mormon towns had wider streets, larger blocks, and larger lots. In addition, the side streets were generally of the same width as the main streets. “The combination of these factors,” Jackson concluded, “made the original Mormon settlements distinctive in the West.”

Glen M. Leonard, Seeking An Inheritance: Mormon Mobility, Urbanity, and Community, Journal of Mormon History, Spring 2014, 31.

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