Friday, August 3, 2018

His Blessing Realized

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Non-member Thomas L. Kane received a patriarchal blessing while residing with the Saints in Winter Quarters in 1846. In 1855 he wrote Brigham Young stating that what promise in his patriarchal blessing was fulfilled, a promise he thought could never happen?
a.                  His mission call
b.                  Having a family
c.                   Being baptized a member
d.                  Getting married
Yesterday’s answer:
D   He was taking money for the Nauvoo temple for his own use
The first signs of trouble emerged with startling promptness after this exchange of cordialities between William [Smith] and Brigham [Young]. Following these letters of support, members of the Twelve at Nauvoo became increasingly concerned about William’s leadership in the East. Brigham Young learned from Apostle Wilford Woodruff, who travelled through the eastern branches during the months of October-December 1844, that William had authorized plural marriages, bestowed the sealing power on several of his colleagues, and had diverted the eastern Saints’ temple donations to his own ends. Young acted almost immediately after receiving Woodruff’s report, sending Parley P. Pratt to assume leadership over the eastern branches in December 1844. Pratt’s appointment sent William into a simmering rage, but a letter written to William from Heber C. Kimball temporarily pacified him. Kimball assured William that leaders at Nauvoo were expecting him to return to Nauvoo immediately—one reason that had factored into their appointment of Pratt—and that until he left for Nauvoo the two apostles should “act as one.” But the experience made William uneasy about his ecclestical station.

James A. Toronto, The “Wild West” of Missionary Work” Reopening the Italian Mission, 1965-71, Journal of Mormon History, Fall 2014, 76-77.

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