Monday, August 20, 2018

Free Sailing

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What year did the first pleasure boat sail on the Great Salt Lake?
a.                  1923
b.                  1871
c.                   1855
d.                  1902
Yesterday’s answer:
D   They were made by a blind man
From the life of Albert Thompson (The Blind Weaver):   When Albert Thompson was 18 years old, he lost his eyesight as a result of blood poisoning caused by infected tonsils. One day three girls, who were on their way to decorate a hall for a dance, decided to stop for a minute and visit with Albert. His mother asked the girls if they would stay longer while she ran an errand. However, the mother was gone a long time, and two of the girls felt they needed to start their original activity. It was agreed that Rebecca would stay until the mother returned. After they left, Albert excused himself for a minute, and while he was gone a still small voice spoke to Rebecca and said, “This is the man you will marry.” Rebecca was so startled she whispered, “Oh, no! Not a blind man!”
Albert and Rebecca saw each other a few more times, and again the voice told Rebecca that she would marry Albert. They began seriously dating, and on August 9, 1905, they were married in the Salt Lake Temple.
In 1906 they began making rugs on a loom. Rebecca, who was very artistic, would hand Albert the rag balls, blending color schemes while Albert did most of the weaving.
By 1911 they were using two looms and had a comfortable home and a good income. Unfortunately, fire suddenly destroyed most of their possessions. Neighbors and friends came to their recue and helped them obtain a two-room house, another loom, and possessions that they needed. At that time, they were living in St. Anthony, Idaho, and Rebecca got a job packaging seeds for a seed company. Again they prospered.
When the Idaho Falls Temple was being furnished, the Thompsons were asked to make 12 rugs for the temple.

International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Museum Memories, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Talon Printing, 2011), 3: 292-293.

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