Thursday, August 9, 2018

Church callings for Sale

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Where, during the 1860s, were church callings put up for sale? The higher the office the higher the price.
a.                  Canada
b.                  Hawaii
c.                   Australia
d.                  Germany
Yesterday’s answer:
C   Porter Rockwell
Orrin Porter Rockwell, legendary bodyguard of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, was known for his flowing hair, piercing eyes, and keen marksmanship. He died with this boots on in 1878 at the age of sixty-five. At the time of his death he had been an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints longer than any other person up to that time, having become the youngest member of the Church when he was baptized on April 6, 1830, at age sixteen.

Lesson Committee, Museum Memories-Daughters of Utah Pioneers, (Salt Lake City, Talon Printing, 2010), 2: 129.

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