Sunday, August 5, 2018

Chicken Feet in the Air

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What caused Lenora Gardner to state that whenever a wagon stopped in front of her house that the chickens would lie down with their feet in the air?
a.                  Due to the fact that she was constantly giving her chickens away to the poor
b.                  Due to the fact that she paid her tithing with chickens
c.                   Due to the number of moves she had done in her married life
d.                  Due to the fact that everything they bartered with was done with chickens
Yesterday’s answer:
A   Brigham Young
From the life of Thomas Grover:   He worked in the gold mines for a year and during that time he collected about $20,000 in gold dust from the California members of the Church and turned it into the tithing fund of the Church. In addition to this, on the return home, he was chosen captain of a rich company of Mormons returning to Utah, when by his influence and example the company put into the hands of the Church leaders in tithing and loans such a generous contribution of gold dust that Pres. Young putting his hands on Brother Grover’s’ shoulders said, “Brother Grover, if every Latter-day Saint would do as you have done there would be no need for a tithing among this people.”

Andrew Jenson, L.D.S. Biographical Encyclopedia, (Salt Lake City, Andrew Jensen Memorial Association, 1936), 4: 140.

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