Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A General Conference Bombshell

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We’ve become accustomed to large announcements during General Conference, the most recent being 18-year old elders and 19-year old sister missionaries. What was the bombshell during the April 1880 conference?
a.                  The Word of Wisdom would become a temple recommend requirement
b.                  20-year old elders and 25-year old sister missionaries
c.                   Tithing would become a temple recommend requirement
d.                  Half of the $1.6 million Perpetual Emigration Fund would be forgiven
Yesterday’s answer:
B   William Folsom
The Salt Lake Tabernacle, finished in 1867, was considered one of the most remarkable buildings in the world. William Folsom also played an important role in the design and construction of the Seventies Hall of Science, the Provo Tabernacle, and the Salt Lake, Logan and Manti temples, as well as in the building of many private structures, including the Gardo House.
The Second Empire architecture of the “Gardo” with its mansard roof, arched dormer and elaborate bay windows, tower, and veranda, may have been a reflection of William H. Folsom’s familiarity with the architecture of the East that was in vogue at that time. But Folsom had more than a professional interest in the famous Gardo House. He was also one of Brigham Young’s fathers-in-law, since Young had married Amelia Folsom.

International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Museum Memories (Talon Printing: Salt Lake City, 2011), 3: 13.

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