Sketch of the settlement at Orderville, Utah
We hear of
Orderville, Utah and the order that was established in this southern Utah town,
however, there were other orders. How many orders were established in the
Church at its peak?
Less than 100
More than 100
More than 200
Less than 50
Yesterday’s answer:
(D) The tar bucket and
lantern used at the time of the tarring and feathering of the Prophet Joseph
While on a mission in the Northern States,
and laboring in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, on March 24, 1902, I, in
company with Lorenzo Sorenson of Smithfield, Utah, were tracting from house to
house and called at the home of a Mr. Silas Raymond who was in possession of
two relics in the shape of a tar bucket and a dark lantern used the night of
the horrible mobbing of the Prophet Joseph which occurred on March 25, 1832.
Mr. Raymond answered the door and when we introduced ourselves as Mormon
missionaries, he uttered an oath “_____ _____ you Mormons, come in. I want to
show you something.” He excused himself and returned in a few minutes with a
tar bucket which was made from a block of wood 8 inches in diameter and 10 or
12 inches in height, chiseled out to make a bucket, a hole bored through each
side at the top and a piece of rope knotted at each end to make the handle. It
was a very crude affair. It was covered with hard tar both inside and out and
had never been used for anything after the mobbing. The lantern was called a
dark lantern; and was about the size of a one gallon can. It had a pointed top
on it to shed rain and a wire handle attached, with a little door cut in the
side, through which a candle was put into the can and lighted. There were
perforations-diamond shape, heart shape, and crescent shape, also decorations
were used to let the light flicker out.
Upon returning with these relics he uttered another oath: and placed
them before us saying:-“Pick ‘em up; handle ‘em; look ‘em over,” and stated
that they were used on the night of the mobbing of the Prophet Joseph Smith at
Hiram, Ohio, while at the home of Brother Johnson.
He stated that this bucket filled with liquid
tar was poured which had been ripped open and was rolled into the feathers.
Mr. Raymond stated that his father was one of the leaders of the mob and
that from the time of this mobbing something seemed to have come upon his
father that he was never well again; was finally confined to his bed where slow
death came upon him, mortification setting in at his toes and he died by inches
as mortification worked its way upward. Before dying he called his family together
and talked with them regarding the mobbing and their future course in life,
stating that his days were numbered, but he wanted to tell them that so far as
he was concerned they would please themselves which religious denomination they
affiliated themselves with, but for his part he was convinced that Joe Smith
was all that he ever claimed to be-a prophet of God.
After viewing these relics, and returning to our rooms, we thought a
great deal about them and wrote to President Joseph F. Smith, President of the
Church, asking if he thought such relics would be genuine. We received an
answer to our letter stating that there was no question but what they were
genuine and instructed us to buy the relics from Mr. Raymond if a reasonable
price could be agreed on, so that they could be put in the Church museum. Mr.
Raymond refused to sell them stating that they had been handed down from his
father’s death to the oldest member of the family and they were to be kept in
the family as long as they desired to have them. He said they were of no use to
him, the Church should have them but it was his father’s request that they
should be kept in the family.
Two of this Mr. Raymond’s aunts joined the Church and moved West with
the Saints.
N.B. Lundwall, The Fate of the Persecutor’s of the Prophet Joseph Smith (Salt Lake
City: Bookcraft, 1952), 71-2.
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