Martin Harris and Professor Anthon
We know
shortly after the translation process began on the Book of Mormon that Martin
Harris asked Joseph if he could take some of the characters from the Book of
Mormon to “learned” men in New York City. We know that Martin visited Professor
Charles Anthon. We also know that Professor Anthon signed a note indicating
that the characters were genuine and that the translation was accurate,
however, we also know that he asked for the note back and destroyed it when he
discovered that Joseph Smith received the record from an angel. When he asked
Martin to bring the Gold Plates to him, Martin replied that a portion were
sealed. Professor Anthon then stated, “I cannot read a sealed book.” What other
individual signed a note indicating that Joseph’s translation of a few
characters to what would eventually become the Pearl of Great Price, was
Professor Anthon
Michael H. Chandler
Josiah Quincy
Antonio Lebolo
Yesterday’s answer:
(D) He would baptize his
father’s household
The following experience is related by
Wilford Woodruff:
When Father Joseph
Smith gave me my patriarchal blessing, among the many wonderful things of my
life, he promised me that I should bring my father’s household into the kingdom
of God, and I felt that if I ever obtained the blessing, the time had come for
me to perform it.
By the help of God, I
preached the gospel faithfully to my father’s household and to all that were
with him, as well as to my other relatives, and I had appointed a meeting on
Sunday, the 1st of July, at my father’s home.
My Father was believing
my testimony, as were all in his household, but upon this occasion the devil
was determined to hinder the fulfillment of the promise of the patriarch unto
It seemed as though
Lucifer, the son of the morning, had gathered together the hosts of hell and
exerted his powers upon us all. Distress overwhelmed the whole household, and
all were tempted to reject the work. And it seemed as though the same power would
devour me. I had to take to my bed for an hour before the time of meeting. I
there prayed unto the Lord with my whole soul for deliverance, for I knew the
power of the devil was exercised to hinder me from accomplishing what God had
promised me.
The Lord heard my
prayer and answered my petition, and when the hour of meeting had come I arose
from my bed, and could sing and shout for joy to think I had been delivered
from the power of the evil one.
Filled with the power
of God, I stood up in the midst of the congregation and preached the gospel of
Jesus Christ unto the people in great plainness.
At the close of the
meeting we assembled on the banks of the Farmington River, “because there was
much water there,” and I led six of my friends into the river and baptized them
for the remission of their sins.
All of my father’s
household were included in this number, according to the promise of the
Patriarch. They were all relatives except Dwight Webster, who was a Methodist
class-leader and was boarding with my father’s family.
I organized the small
number of nine persons, eight of whom were my relatives, into a branch of the
Church, and ordained Dwight Webster to the office of a Priest and administered
the sacrament unto them.
It was truly a day of
joy to my soul. My father, step-mother and sister were among the number
baptized. I afterwards added a number of relatives. I felt that this days’ work
alone amply repaid me for all my labor in the ministry.
Who can comprehend the
joy, the glory, the happiness and consolation that an Elder of Israel feels in
being an instrument in the hands of God of bringing his father, mother, sister,
brother, or any of the posterity of Adam through the door that enters into life
and salvation? No man can, unless he has experienced these things, and
possesses the testimony of Jesus Christ and the inspiration of Almighty God.
Leaves of My Journal, Preston Nibley comp., (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft,
1988), 59-61.
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