Thursday, July 4, 2013

Nauvoo’s Baker and the Mission Call

Image result for lds lucius scovil
Scovil Bakery in Nauvoo
When did Lucius Scovil receive his mission call?

a.      While selling Gingerbread cookies to the Prophet Joseph Smith

b.      While selling molasses candy to Brigham Young

c.       While only a few miles on the trail in Iowa

d.      The moment he entered the Salt Lake Valley

Yesterday’s answer:
C.   Mock battles between the Pioneers and the Natives
Another frequent activity was a sham battle between the pioneers and Native Americans, which generally concluded on a happy note when the two groups of actors made peace. One such pioneer-and-native pageant proved tragic. Rehearsing an Independence Day program in Provo in 1879, Albert Park was killed when a fellow actor shot him with a supposedly harmless wad of tissue.
Nearly Everything Imaginable, Walker, Ronald W., Doris R. Dant ed., (Provo, Utah: BYU Press, 1999), 65.

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