Monday, July 1, 2013

It Benefitted Them, Too

The stories have been told of Brigham Young teaching the Saints to stay in the Salt Lake Valley during the gold crazed year of 1849. He stated to the Saints that they would be further ahead by staying in the valley. Then of course, who could forget the Heber C. Kimball prophecy? The funny thing is, in the Church we only hear how Salt Lake City benefitted from the gold rush, but who else benefitted from this deluge of gold seekers to the California gold fields?

a.      Nauvoo, Illinois

b.      Kanesville, Iowa

c.       Mt. Pisgah, Iowa

d.      St. George, Utah

Yesterday’s answers:

1.      c.   40 acres

The original plan for Temple Square was forty acres, but was soon cut back to 10 acres. Today, Brigham Young’s vision has been realized as the plaza area that connects the Church office high rise, Conference Center, Temple Square, Joseph Smith Memorial Building, Church Administration and the Relief Society Buildings, Church History Museum and Genealogical Building now comprise approximately 40 acres.
Plewe, Brandon S., et. at., Mapping Mormonism (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 2012) 114. 

2.      D.   The LDS University

The LDS University was established in 1901 to 1931 becoming the LDS Business College from 1931 to 1961 was located across the street on the east side of the Salt Lake Temple. Today, the Relief Society Building which was constructed in 1956 sits where the University and College used to be. Today, the LDS Business College is located four blocks to the west from its original site.
Plewe, Brandon S., et. at., Mapping Mormonism (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 2012) 116-117.

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