Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Call to Care

Janet Jennings photo: The State Historical  Society of Wisconsin
Pioneer nurse
When Typhoid fever struck Weber County during the early years of the Saints settlement, Sarah Joy Surrage not only had to work tirelessly at saving hers, but also the neighbor family. At the conclusion of the epidemic, Sarah was called to do what?
 a.      Become a nurse

b.      Continue to care for both her and her neighbor’s family

c.       Become a doctor

d.      Become a nurse to the Brigham Young family

Yesterday’s answer:

(C)   He could learn more by reading the Bible for two hours than she could by going to church for two years

Although he (Joseph Smith) possessed an intense desire to “get religion,” to feel the spirit and shout like others, the experience eluded him. He told his mother, “I can take my Bible and go into the woods, and learn more in two hours than you can learn at meetings in two years.”

Orton, Chad M. and William W. Slaughter, Joseph Smith’s America (Salt Lake City: Deseret Books, 2005), 51.

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