Friday, June 28, 2013

Paying Joseph’s Bail

The Church has been blessed with many wealthy members. It was wealthy members that came forward and paid the construction cost on the new Nauvoo Temple. The same could be said for the early church. If it wasn’t for wealthy member, John Tanner, the Kirtland Temple may not have been realized.  I’m sure this is a daily occurrence when generous members step forward in good causes. One such cause was keeping Joseph out of jail. Who paid his bail money in these situations?
a.      John Tanner
b.      John Benbow
c.       John Whitmer
d.      John Page

Yesterday’s answer:
 a.      He was an ignorant ploughboy
A female preacher who came across Joseph [Smith] in 1831 challenged him to swear in the presence of God that an angel from heaven showed him the golden plates. Joseph replied gently, “I will not swear at all.” She demanded, “Are you not ashamed of such pretensions? You, who are no more than an ignorant ploughboy of our land!” Joseph meekly said, “The gift has returned back again, as in former times, to illiterate fishermen.”

 Nearly Everything Imaginable, Walker, Ronald W., Doris R. Dant ed., (Provo, Utah: BYU Press, 1999), 36-37.

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