Saturday, June 1, 2013

Emma’s Testimony

Emma Smith

Emma’s testimony to the events surrounding the translation of the gold plates as recorded in the Saints Herald is compelling. In asking the preceding question I’m not really sharing anything that would cause an individual to state, “Gee I never knew that.” I imagine all that follow this blog will get this one right, however, its Emma’s interview that is extremely interesting.

What did Joseph Smith place the Urim and Thummim in while he was in the act of translating the Book of Mormon?

     A)                 A hat
     B)                 A bag
     C)                 A box
     D)                 The stone box that the gold plates were found in

Yesterday’s answer:

     a.      3% per month—ouch!

Edward Leo Lyman, “The Rise and Decline of Mormon San Bernardino,” BYU Studies, Fall 1989, 46.

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