Saturday, May 25, 2013

Coexisting Peacefully. . . Well, kind of

It was not uncommon for the natives in the Salt Lake Valley to camp beside LDS settlements. This being the case, it was a common occurrence for LDS children to play with their native friends. What did the father of Hannah Bingham give the natives to pacify them after her brother accidentally stepped on the foot of a native child?

     A)                 Watermelon
     B)                 Molasses candy
     C)                 Beads
     D)                 Sugar and flour

Yesterday’s answer:

(D)   Poplar

The poplar is the tree of the pioneers, marking their farms on all the benches and valleys from the red sands of Moencopi to the plains of Alberta. It is becoming rare as business supplants the noble windbreaks with billboards.

Wulf Barsch: Looking toward Home, catalog for Looking toward Home: Recent Art by Wulf Barsch, an exhibition at the Museum of Church History and Art, Salt Lake City, 22 November 1985 to 13 April 1986 (Salt Lake City: Museum of Church History and Art, 1985), [xii-xiii].

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